Nowadays, most people are suffering from dental problems and it is very common across the world. So, in that case, dental insurance can be very beneficial for us. If you have dental insurance, then it can cover you partly in a few specific processes. The amount may vary among various dental insurance plans. There are various insurance plans available in the market and you have to select the insurance very carefully to get the maximum benefits. Here, we have shared a few answers to the most common questions regarding dental insurance in OKC.
Most Commonly Asked Questions
1. If I do not use the dental benefits in the current year, then will the insurance carry over to next year?
If you cannot use the dental benefits in this current year, then it will not carry forward to the next year.
2. What is a calendar year?
The insurance company can provide cover for your dental care within their time limit. In general, most of the calendar years of the insurance companies run from January 1st to 31st December.
3. Do the insurance companies pay different amounts or percentages?
There are various dental insurance plans available and their coverage limitation is different for various services. If you visit a doctor for regular check-ups, x-rays and cleaning, then they will get a higher percentage of money.
But remember that doing tooth extractions, root canals and fillings are considered basic in most insurance policies. So, you may get a lower percentage of coverage. This type of insurance partial and full dentures crown as major services.
4. What is LCAT?
By using this term, most of the insurance companies decide which type of process they can and cannot cover. The full form of LCAT is Least expensive, Clinically Acceptable Treatment. For instance, many dental insurance policies do not cover rotator cuff surgery but if you take a steroid injection, then you can get coverage. Taking steroids fall under the least expensive clinically acceptable treatment and only in this matter LCAT can provide coverage.
5. What does UCR mean?
Keep in mind that UCR stands for Usual and Customary Repair. It is a type of fee and insurance companies allow this. Generally, the dentist cannot say anything in this matter. The limitation of the percentage of UCR may vary from company to company. If you buy different dental insurance policies from the same insurance company, even then you can get different UCR’s with each plan. The UCR mainly depends on the insurance policy.
6. Does the dental insurance policy cover my Cosmetic Dentistry?
It mainly depends on the condition of the patient. For instance, if in your front teeth cavities are developed and you have had crowns on the teeth for a few years, then you can get the coverage. But if there are no cavities in your front teeth but you want to have crowns to get a nice makeover, then the dental insurance company does not pay for it.
Buy Insurance to Save Cost
If you want to maintain a beautiful smile and get coverage while getting a thorough check-up or many more, then you should contact Oklahoma Health Options in Edmond, OK and OKC.